Monday, July 18, 2005

Campaign for a National Majority

I went to an interesting presentation last night at the Cedar Door for the Campaign for a National Majority.

They have a long term strategy that meshes with the 'build the farm team' concept Dean has pushed. It is well documented that governors are the most likely candidates to become president, so CNM wants to work towards having as many strong Democratic governors as possible, so that we have lots of good presidential candidates and not just blowhards like Joe Biden.

Rather than focus on governor races, CNM wants to find lower level candidates that will be strong candidates for governor in the future. They have done extensive research into what offices produce strong candidates for governor, and are focusing on candidates for those offices. A little money goes a long way at this level, so there's a bang-for-the-buck aspect to the plan.

They have also done extensive research into traits of candidates that succeed in progressively higher races, and have prepared a model and an intensive vetting process to identify these candidates. They did a trial in 2004 on two candidates in longshot districts. Both won narrow victories, despite Bush winning in the same areas. In one location, Bush took 65% to Kerry's 35%, but the downrace Dem still won.

They are looking for two things - volunteers to help vet candidates and pledges to donate to the vetted candidates of your choosing. Money goes directly to candidates, never through CNM. They do not screen on issues beyond a core belief that 'The Democratic Party is the party of responsibility,' and they do no campaigning beyond fundraising. Think of them as investment analysts screening to find low-risk/high-gain choices to invest your Democratic donations. You still choose the ones that reflect your values, but your money is more likely to have long term gains.

Monday, July 04, 2005

This is what blogging is about...

The internet gives people like you and me the voice to match the voice of the mainstream media. In effect, the cost of publishing has gone way way down. Kind of like the Gutenburg Bible opening the world to the actual words in the bible...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Left Flank, March!

Left Flank, March! is a new group that seeks to provide care packages for deployed members of the Librul blogosphere. The group is just starting up, founded by 'Hyperbolic Pants Explosion'.

I would like to suggest that our group sign up and support a troop or two.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy July 4th Weekend, 2005!

For your reading pleasure...Declaration of Independence

Interesting blog survey by MIT

You can compare your answers to other people who have done the survey. It is great that so many women have taken the survey.

I have attached a link to the MIT survey on the Austin Kos blog.

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Friday, July 01, 2005

Using Technology to win elections...

Austin Kos has been publizing the technology that helped Mark Strama win in a Republican district.

!! UPDATE !!

Response has very strong to the transcript. People have email requesting copies from Arizona, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Washington DC and other states!