Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Health Care for the katrina folks

I spent some time looking for prenatal care for Michele and Kaycie yesterday. GRRRR!!!

Here's what I found out (such as it is). They're not taking any Katrina folks for Medicaid right now b/c they haven't heard from the state how this is going to be paid for.

I think raising hell with the state legislators might be useful.

List of Texas House members

List of Texas Senate members

Also, I got this email from Keep Austin Blue - meeting Wed., Sept. 28, 2005
6:30 – 8:00 pm (tomorrow as I post this)
In the wake of the City’s Gulf Coast relief efforts, the City of Austin recently approved the 2005-2006 City budget and is crossing its fingers for relief reimbursement. To help us understand the City’s $2.1 billion budget, rising public safety costs, and service budget cuts, our featured speakers this month are Brewster McCracken, City Council Member Place 5 and Jennifer Kim, City Council Member Place 3.

I can't go because I'm in class Wed nights, but since McCracken and Kim are two of my favorite city council members (snark intended). I hope someone will be there to get some answers on the health care needs of our Katrina survivors - and not let them off the hook easily.

What I would say if I could be there, "Why the hell are folks who have moved here from NO being denied health care just because they have already been through hell, - when if they had moved here under any other circumstances or from anywhere else they would be allowed to apply for assistance with their health care needs, prenatal care, etc. Many (most?) are adamant that they don't want to go back to NO and have apts here - that makes them now "Austin residents" in my book.

So why are we telling these new Austin residents, "Screw you." How will Austin be better off when they start showing up at the emergency rooms in labor or with a health crisis, because they got no access to clinics now? Pay me now or pay me later . . . ."

If any of you have better info on how to get medicaid, clinic cards, MAP, etc for our "sponsees" let me know .


Blogger Jackie Strange said...

"With a friend or two from New Orleans." Heh.


6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they can receive there health insurance as it can be crucial to many.

1:20 PM  

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