KKK Endorses Perry and His Hate Amendment
Governor Perry must be so proud to have the endorsement of the KKK. He and his party of bigots spent most of the 79th Legislature working on passing or trying to pass bills which discriminate against the GLBT community or limit a womanÂs choices when it comes to her own body instead of working on Tax Reform or Education Funding.
The KKK will be in Austin on November 5th to show their support for Constitutional Amendment 2 to stop Âlegal Fag MarriagesÂ. This endorsement alone proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what this amendment is being used for and what type of people it appeals to.
Fair Minded Texans do not support this type of hate and bigotry. Any politician who has the endorsement of the KKK has lost sight of the Values of Texas, Texas Families, and the Texas People. I urge everyone to go out and vote against Constitutional Amendment 2 and let the Governor know that Texas Voters are disgusted with the direction his administration and the Republican Party have taken in Texas.
Below is a message from Soulforce Austin and the No Nonsense in November. You can check their web sites for more details.
Come join thousands of Texans in a peaceful vigil Saturday, November 5, at 1:00 p.m. in Austin at Auditorium Shores located at South 1st Street and Riverside Dr.
Followed by a vigil on the 1st Street bridge from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. (We have Austin Police Department and City of Austin clearance to use the 1st Street Bridge).
This will define who we are as Texans and bring together a diverse coalition
of fair-minded Texans in opposition to the hate message of the Klan and
against Prop. 2.
We will speak for ourselves and not engage the Klan because our peaceful, non-violent demonstration is not about hate. It is about love and respect - which is what marriage, is really all about. Our rally will be a powerful witness to truth and justice. During the final 72 hours before Texans vote against Constitutional Amendment #2, we will show America that Texans are fair-minded.
The Texas Constitution is a sacred document that always has bestowed rights and protections upon citizens of this state. Constitutions were never meant to be used for discriminatory practices. If the amendment passes, it will do just that.
The Klan will be at City Hall. We will meet at Auditorium Shores, and as we sing songs of hope and love, we will extend peace like a river. We will walk halfway across the S. 1st St. Bridge, where our peaceful message will speak volumes.
Stand with us in peaceful solidarity
Against Hate
Against Violence
Against Constitutional Amendment #2
In the words of George W. Bush, "You're either with us or you're against us."
The KKK will be in Austin on November 5th to show their support for Constitutional Amendment 2 to stop Âlegal Fag MarriagesÂ. This endorsement alone proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what this amendment is being used for and what type of people it appeals to.
Fair Minded Texans do not support this type of hate and bigotry. Any politician who has the endorsement of the KKK has lost sight of the Values of Texas, Texas Families, and the Texas People. I urge everyone to go out and vote against Constitutional Amendment 2 and let the Governor know that Texas Voters are disgusted with the direction his administration and the Republican Party have taken in Texas.
Below is a message from Soulforce Austin and the No Nonsense in November. You can check their web sites for more details.
Come join thousands of Texans in a peaceful vigil Saturday, November 5, at 1:00 p.m. in Austin at Auditorium Shores located at South 1st Street and Riverside Dr.
Followed by a vigil on the 1st Street bridge from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. (We have Austin Police Department and City of Austin clearance to use the 1st Street Bridge).
This will define who we are as Texans and bring together a diverse coalition
of fair-minded Texans in opposition to the hate message of the Klan and
against Prop. 2.
We will speak for ourselves and not engage the Klan because our peaceful, non-violent demonstration is not about hate. It is about love and respect - which is what marriage, is really all about. Our rally will be a powerful witness to truth and justice. During the final 72 hours before Texans vote against Constitutional Amendment #2, we will show America that Texans are fair-minded.
The Texas Constitution is a sacred document that always has bestowed rights and protections upon citizens of this state. Constitutions were never meant to be used for discriminatory practices. If the amendment passes, it will do just that.
The Klan will be at City Hall. We will meet at Auditorium Shores, and as we sing songs of hope and love, we will extend peace like a river. We will walk halfway across the S. 1st St. Bridge, where our peaceful message will speak volumes.
Stand with us in peaceful solidarity
Against Hate
Against Violence
Against Constitutional Amendment #2
In the words of George W. Bush, "You're either with us or you're against us."
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